Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Completely bogged down!

I've been completely bogged down for weeks - months even. Its taking a huge amount of time to keep my two embroidery groups going, and its leaving very little time for anything creative. It's the money I make from the groups that enables me to continue studying, but it's a bit frustrating I appear to have so little time. I need to try and manage my time better. I have been making slow progress with my current chapter, but I need something to give me a kick start.

I started making an altered book several weeks ago on a visit to Swindon. I've been drawn to winter hedges for some time and plan to use that as a theme for the book. It will probably extend to winter trees as well.

I made this little sketch on the back of my shopping list while I was waiting at the bus stop. Unusually I didn't have my camera with me, which forced me to draw.

I shall try and go back in the next day or so to take some photos, and to have a look at the deeply veined tiny leaves all round the edges.


  1. Interesting sketch. It's difficult to find time for everything isn't it? Be careful that doing what you love doesn't become a chore. That happened to me and I'm trying to get my mojo back!

  2. I know what you mean Sheila - I'm finding the same thing. Too many things fighting for my attention. My trouble is, I'm finding the C&G chapter I'm on just now (patchwork piecing - hate it!!)crashingly boring and tedious to do, so other things always get my time. Anne, I appreciate that danger. I've fallen into that trap too. I found taking a couple of weeks completely free helped. Each morning it was a delight to wake up to an empty day stretching ahead. Strangely enough I landed up doing much the same as I usually do - difference was I didn't HAVE to do it!!

  3. PS Super drawing Sheila! Better than a photo because it has more character and records exactly what interested you about the tree.
